⚖️Server Config
Last updated
Last updated
Information about the server
Season 18 1-3
Master EXP
Majestic EXP
Drop Rate
Ultra Hard
No Resets
Spot Monster
Normal level
Master Level
Majestic Level
Lvl Punishment
Lvl 600+
Multiple Account
Pix, Bank, Digital Wallet
Server Commands
Allow to post a message within actual Game Server, usage: /post
Allows to add multiple strength points by player, usage: /addstr <points_count> AddSTRCMD
Allows to add multiple agility points by player, usage: /addagi <points_count> AddAGICMD
Allows to add multiple vitality points by player, usage: /addvit <points_count> AddVITCMD
Allows to add multiple energy points by player, usage: /addene <points_count> AddENECMD
Allows to add multiple command points by player, usage: /addcmd <points_count> AddCMDCMD
Allows to player to clear PK status (more settings for that command in IGCCommon.ini [ResetCMD] section ; usage: /pkclear PKClearCMD
Allows to propose a marry to other player, for more options refer to commonserver.cfg ; usage: /prop <player_name> MarryProposeCMD
Allows to accept marry proposal after usage of above command, usage: /accept MarryAcceptCMD
Teleports yourself to your marriage partner, usage: /teleport MarryTeleportCMD
Allows to take divorce, usage: /divorce MarryDivorceCMD
Allows to disconnect specified character knowing their character name and account password, usage: /dcfriend <player_name> DCFriendCMD
Allows to display character info: Account Name, Character Name, Character Level, Class Code, Swear Warning Level, Map, Wife/Husband Online Status ; usage: /charinfo CharInfoCMD
Allows to hide icons above characters coming from custom ranks plugin, usage: /hideicon HideIconCMD
Allows to clear inventory from all items, keep equipped items, inventory, money and ruud, NOTE: this command does not require GM privileges so keep it safe as it may be used very vulnerable way ; usage: /clearbag ClearBagCMD
Allows to clear event inventory from all items, NOTE: this command does not require GM privileges so keep it safe as it may be used very vulnerable way ; usage: /cleareventinv ClearEventInvCMD
Activate off-trade sale, requires setup of personal store firs, usage: /offtrade OffTradeCMD
Activates off-levelling system, requires OfLevelling plugin purchase, usage: /offlevel OffLevelCMD
Displays command help information for antilag system, usage: /antilag CommandInfoCMD